For fractional factorial designs , indicates which effects are aliased with one another 在部分配置法设计中,表明效果间的叠加关系。
When you run a fractional factorial design , one or more of the effects are confounded 当进行部分配置法实验时,至少有一个效果是交落的。
Objective to explore statistical approaches to analyzing factorial designed repeated measurement data 摘要目的探讨析因设计重复测量资料的统计分析方法。
This research involved two experiments , using 2x2 between subjects factorial design . the subjects were junior school students in grade twro 本研究包括两个实验,均采用2x2两因素被试间完全随机设计,均用初中二年级学生作被试。
The second experiment adopted a 3 2 2 random factorial design with 60 subjects of fifth - grade . 30 excellent comprehenders and 30 poor comprehenders were selected 实验二采用3 2 2三因素完全随机实验设计,被试为60名小学五年级学生,其中30名阅读优生, 30名阅读困难学生。
The whole study consists of two experiments . the fist experiment adopted a 3 2 random factorial design with 48 subjects of sixth - grade . 24 excellent comprehenders and 24 poor comprehenders were selected 整个研究由两个实验组成,实验一采用3 2两因素完全随机实验设计,被试为48名小学6年级学生,其中24名阅读优生, 24名阅读困难学生。
The present study used 2x2 between subjects factorial design . the subjects was randomly divided into four groups , each group was randomly accepted one of four treatments . all the data was processed with spss 10 . 0 本研究采用2 (目标明确具体和目标笼统模糊) xz (自我参照反馈和他人参照反馈)两因素被试间完全随机设计,将被试随机分成四组,每一组随机接受一种实验处理。
We constructed fences using 2 x 2 x 2 factorial design to examine the effect patterns of food availability , predation and interspecific competition on population dynamics and spatial behavior of reed voles , microtusfortis . we expected to test two hypothesises : ( 1 ) availability of high quality food , predation and interspecific competition have independent and addictive effects on population system dynamics for small mammalia herbivore ; ( 2 ) availabiliry of high quality food could reduce home range and aggressive behavior level between individuals of microtine , predation and interspecific competition have independent effects on spatial behavior of microtine 以2 2 2析因实验设计,在野外围栏条件下,探讨食物可利用性、捕食及种间竞争对沼泽田鼠( microtusfortis )种群动态及空间行为的作用,旨在检验下述特定假设: ( 1 )高质量的食物可利用性、捕食及种间竞争对植食性小哺乳动物种群系统动态具有独立的和累加的效应; ( 2 )高质量的食物可利用性可降低田鼠个体间的攻击行为水平,并导致其巢区减小;捕食与种间竞争对田鼠的空间行为亦有独立的作用。